20 juin 2006

Nous les prenons sous notre protection

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Au risque de paraître démago ou douce utopiste révolutionnaire, j'adhère totalement au mouvement du Réseau Education Sans Frontières. Et je refuse de cautionner la politique de reconduite aux frontières d'enfants sans papiers.

Pour signer la pétition.

2 Comms:

At 11:10 PM, Blogger JoGanY a dit ...

c'est fait !!
C'est vraiment ma période citoyenne qui commence dis donc en force....
Travailler, payer les impôts(snif), signer des pétitions, et la cerise sur le gâteau : Enfin pouvoir donner des dons aux organismes!!! ( ok c genre 5$ par mois mais ... c'est un début! je ne suis pas non plus Mme Bill Gates)

Bizz à toi Vola et je te dis la Popmusic c'est bien !

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit ...

Si des mineurs etrangers veulent se scolariser en France, ils faudrait qu’ils obtiennent un visa d etude et payer la totalite des frais de scolarite pris en charge normalement par l etat francais. On ne devrait pas autoriser des mineurs etranger a etre scolariser si ils sont entre ou reste de facon illegale en France. Si on veut etre humanitaire par rapport au sud sachant que la scolarite d un mineur etranger non autorise a resider en France coute a la collectivite environ 8000-10000 euros / an cela represente une scolarite pour 80/100 enfants dans un pays du sud. Pourquoi offrir ces frais de scolarite a des familles ne respectant pas nos lois d’immigration et non a tous leurs camarades laisses derriere dans leur villes/ villages au sud respectant nos lois d immigration ?

Exemple d une democratie d Asie du Nord : Taiwan

Rules relaxed for foreign high school students in Taiwan

LEARNING CURVE : The Ministry of Education will now allow foreign students to study here even if their parents are not living in the country By Jean Lin STAFF REPORTER Tuesday, Jun 27, 2006,Page 2 The Ministry of Education yesterday announced that foreign students will be allowed to study in junior and senior high schools around the country.

Previously, junior and senior high schools only accepted foreign students if they were with their parents and had resident status.

According to the amended Regulations for Foreign Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan ( ??????????), schools wishing to register foreign students need to report their language and culture curriculums and dormitory accommodation details to local education authorities before the end of November each year.

After an assessment, schools can accept foreign students the following year.

To ensure under-aged students have sufficient finances, parents or guardians living overseas must have an annual income of at least NT$500,000 (US$15,271).

In addition, overseas students under the age of 18 need to have a guardian in Taiwan who does not have a criminal record, said Lin Chi-ren ( ???), an official with the Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations.

Guardians living in Taiwan must provide proof of a clean record to police and financial proof of annual income of at least NT$900,000, Lin said.

Foreign nationals, however, would have to pay higher tuition than locals. Tuition for foreign nationals at public schools would be raised to private school levels, about NT$60,000 to NT$70,000 per semester


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